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St Mary's Parish Pantry


The St Mary's Parish Pantry provides fresh produce, prepacked food and other items for those in need.

Centrelink, Immigration, or Health Care Cards are required.

Those in need may make use of the Parish Pantry once per fortnight.

Address: Rollerdoor at 150 Yarra St, Geelong 3220

Open 3 days per week: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 1.00 pm - 3.00 pm

For further information, please call St Mary's Parish Office: 03 5222 1977

To volunteer or provide other support, please call the Parish Pantry Co-ordinator, Allan Reeve, on 0418 527 559.

We invite you to read this article from Catholic Social Services Victoria that features the St Mary's Parish Pantry: 

This short video is introd
uced by the founder of the Parish Pantry, Gary McIlvena, and tells of its assistance to those in need in Geelong: